When it comes to EMF Protection, we have found the Top Solutions. We have what every human being needs to survive in this toxic EMF World. When it comes to EMF protection; we are of a shared truth that it is better to be protected from it, than to not be. It all makes sense that something that can transfer voice, data, and incredible sizes of files and technology; that it comes with a downside. These electro magnetic fields and literal rays of energy are piercing our bodies, our brains, our organs. And it happens regardless of us knowing about it. So to add protections, whenever and wherever we can only makes logical sense. If you are using technology you need to have this. Period. You need to see this
tuün™ RESONATE: This is the wearable “SOLUTION” for EMF Pollution for us all. If you are Human and are in modern society you need this. It helps us ground to the Earth’s Natural Frequencies so we can be in an Optimal Frequency. We are realizing amazing results in less stress, less fatigue, less headaches. And we are seeing better sleep, better moods, and better results in posture, balance and movement. We all need this. Once you learn about this solution, you will want all your loved ones and people you care about wearing this Solution.
Get your tuün™ RESONATE here! This is the Top of the Top for EMF Protection!
tuün™ RESONATE is the BEST PRODUCT for EMF Protection on the Market. There are others, but this is the top. We have seen literal MIRACLES in what has happened with so many. There is an absolute truth to the harm being done by EMF. When you gain in the knowledge, you will want to make sure everyone you care about is wearing this.
You will see more and more things coming to the market. There is a huge issue with the invisible issues caused by EMF. The more you simply research it, the more you will see this is real, and you need to be doing something real about it.
Bio Hacking is where Food Scientists create Solutions for Better Health. This is in most cases giving our body specific needs to heal itself. Because we are living the experiences of these Bio Hacking Solutions. You want this! Everyone needs this. And get ready to change your health and life with Bio-Hacking Solutions!
Here are Five Incredible Bio-Hacking Solutions. All of which enhance and better our lives. Here they are listed alphabetically and with details of things they are seen to help. Wow isn’t even close to covering how these work!
brān®: This is a nootropic. Within minutes of taking this “SNAP” you will be happier, and more alert. Brain Fog seems to disappear and mental focus is seemingly amazing. Personally I consume 2 to 6 of these daily and it is a huge help with ADHD and Attention Issues to keep focused on my daily tasks and goals. This is a major Game Changer. With brān® I no longer consume dangerous Energy Drinks. Not since October 2020. I am so glad we found this!
Learn How To Be in a State of Flow with brān®️ Reimagined! from Velovita Official on Vimeo.
byōm™️: This is for Gut Health. And a huge need for us all. When you take care of your Gut, good things follow. You feel better, you consume food and process it better, and your Body gets to Work Less and Feel Better! If you eat food, you need Gut Health to support healthy digestion and use of the food. This is a game changer especially for those that are carrying around extra “Unwanted Fat”. Awesome help in Weight Optimization!
byōm®️ Remastered from Velovita Official on Vimeo.
plôs® THERMO: This is the catalyst for losing weight. Take this with the Caffeine of a Cup of Coffee. Either with your Coffee, Tea or a Caffeinated Beverage. This curbs our appetites like amazingly! You may want to set a timer so you do not forget to eat lunch! And it kicks up your Energy as it Burns Unwanted Fat! This is a perfect Weight Loss Pair with zlēm® for Weight Loss Awesomeness in Results.
Velovita Zlem from Richard & Mary Amoedo on Vimeo.
uüth™: We have found the Fountain of Youth in this incredible “SNAP”. You take this once to twice daily to help reverse your aging and the effects of aging. My wrinkles are diminishing! My crows feet are so gone it is literally like they never were there. As we age, we are taking uüth™ and looking younger by the day. This is awesome, and helps with internal joints and strength. Liquid Collagen (Highest Forms) and a Powerful Bio-Hacking Solution for us all!
zlēm®: This is the perfect solution for Sleep. Sleep and Slim is what this does. If you have extra “unwanted fat” and “unwanted inches from unwanted fat” this is your best friend. It is also the #1 Selling Bio-Hacking Solution we have. Sleep is ultra important. With zlēm® we sleep better and while we sleep we have seen the results of our bodies utilizing our “Stored Fat” to rejuvenate our bodies. We wake up refreshed and after weeks and months of continued use the “SLIM” effect is AWESOME!
Velovita Zlem from Richard & Mary Amoedo on Vimeo.
These Five Bio Hacking Solutions are Absolutely Going to Change your Life!
You can Also Click on Any of the Products Above for more Comprehensive Information And Details. Bio Hacking has been discovered through the power of Science. We have found this unbelievable and explosive growth and solution areas in Science. Because it works, we are forever grateful we found it. We look better, feel better, and the sleep is making so many areas of life better. This is something everyone needs.
Harmful EMF
We live in the age of technology. Practically every man, woman and child in 1st world countries has their own cell phone. Most have electronic tablets, laptops, PCs, radios, televisions, and the accompanying electronic equipment to make them run. And all of the emit EMF, which are not friendly to our bodies.
We need to protect ourselves from such bad energy. Placing crystals in areas you spend the most time is advised. This may be your house, your office, or even your car. This company has products to improve ambient radiation at a wide pricing range.
- sleep disturbances, including insomnia
- headache
- depression and depressive symptoms
- tiredness and fatigue
- lack of concentration
- changes in memory
- dizziness
- irritability
- loss of appetite and weight loss
- restlessness and anxiety
Where Does It Come From
Our need and want to have the latest and greatest gadgets could possibly be putting our very health and lives at risk. We use electroshock to put our hearts back into rhythm. Radiation, which is produced by huge machine using lots of electricity. We use it to treat cancers. Nuclear radiation is also a source of EMF. These are a few examples of High Risk electromagnetic fields.
Low risk fields are more in use. They are in almost every home and office. Routers, cellphones, programmable appliances, microwaves, even light bulbs emit an electromagnetic field, EMF. Did you know that even the sun, our natural light, produces EMF in the form of UV rays. Hence, why your skin burns. Skin poisoning occurs with spending too much time in the sun. Powerlines that supply our homes and office emit one of the biggest sources of low risk electromagnetic fields. Again, these fields are produced by anything that uses electricity.
So we really need to protect ourselves from these sound waves from causing us harm.
In the study of our energy we learn about Chakras and Healing Crystals. Chakras are energy vortexes that exist within the etheric body and conduct life force energy to the body.
The Power of Crystals
Crystals Can Change Your Energy Vibrations
This fact is especially powerful. Because when a crystal comes into contact with a lower vibration it raises that vibration to match its own. In other words, when a crystal’s higher frequency tunes into your lower frequency it raises yours up to match it. This helps you move past blockages that have been holding you back. It provides a boost of uplifting, positive energy. Crystals can be a natural health and wellness aide.
The crystal works with your goals and desires in a similar way. As it has a strong, positive energy, the crystal magnifies and amplifies your own energy so you realize those intentions, manifesting them more effectively and faster. Wearing crystals close to your body or even in your pocket has remarkable effects.
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